Thursday, January 3, 2013

Radiantly Gluten-Free

Check out my new website, Radiantly Gluten Free! The site provides useful tips for those living with celiac sprue, especially those recently diagnosed. I was fortunate enough to be correctly diagnosed at the age of two, so I understand the many challenges (dietary, social, and otherwise) of the gluten-free diet. Challenging, yes, but I also know that the rewards far outweigh the limitations. If you have celiac sprue, a completely gluten free diet is the only way to get on the path to feeling completely healthy, strong, and vibrant. This site will also be helpful to those who may not celiac sprue, but who suffer gluten-sensitivities.

I am compiling all of the best resources and tips that I know. I will keep adding to this newborn website, so it should be an interesting journey! The site will draw not only from my own knowledge, but also from reliable print and online sources. Most importantly, "Radiantly Gluten Free" gleans heavily from the knowledge of my mother, who is the world's prettiest and most fabulous expert on the the subject - after all, she figured out how to successfully keep me on a totally gluten-free diet when I was still too young to fully understand it myself. Brava.

One in every approximately 133 people have celiac sprue,* yet for every person diagnosed correctly, eighty go undiagnosed** and consequently live with pain and malnutrition every day. So, here's to hoping that Radiantly Gluten Free adds another little ripple in the pool of understanding.

* "Celiac Disease" National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC). 27 January 2012.

** "Gluten Intolerance Facts." Gluten-Intolerance Group (GIG). The foremost authority on celiac sprue and gluten intolerance, GIG's presence in Washington State is the reason for my early diagnosis while living in that state.

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